Tag Archive: Branding

Mar 09

SD Card, MicroSD and Compact Flash Duplication

SD Card

With the ever evolving market of digital storage, it is important that here at Handisc we stay ahead of what our customers need. With USB Keys becoming very popular in the promotional market, SD cards and Compact Flash (CF) are becoming a good, reliable source of data distribution for companies. With many handheld devices using SD and …

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Sep 20

USB Keys are a great Marketing tool and they’re more affordable than you think.

Branded Metal Tins

USB memory sticks have fast become one of the most popular promotional items for company advertising. You see them everywhere….hand outs at shows and give-aways at presentations. However many still shy away from what they believe to be an expensive accessory. Think again………………………..

May 13

What makes our USB keys so special?

USB Key Printing

Everybody will tell you that their USB Keys are the best but in our case, we would like to back that up with a few facts.

Dec 01

USB Explained

Nature Series USB Key

This post is going to explain a little more about USB Flash drives (USB Keys) and USB Technology itself.

Aug 13

The USB Key but not as we know it.

Ok, so when is a USB Key not a USB Key? Well I guess when it’s a Lego man, wrist strap, credit card, Burger, twig or even a key…………….the list goes on. So it seems the only limitation with USB Key’s is our imagination. This is what makes it the ideal tool to get your …

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