Tag Archive: barcode

Sep 08

10 Reasons that make the Microtech Xpress a must have for Games Developers

Microtech Xpress XP

Never before has there been one system that ticks all the boxes when it comes to pre-release game production. Here are 10 reasons why the Microtech Xpress does the job.

Aug 27

Microtech Xpress Features – Image Aligner. Over Printing onto Disc

There are many ways to print onto disc but not many come quicker and cheaper than overprinting using the Microtech Xpress Image Aligner.

Aug 27

Microtech Xpress Features – Data Fingerprinting Explained

Barcoded Disc

There are a number of different ways to track your data but one of the most successful and cost effective has to be disc fingerprinting.

Aug 13

QR Codes – The Message Within

In a world where less is more and the way to say what you mean, is to say nothing at all. What new tools can we use to get our message across without looking like we have anything to say.