Sep 10

How much data can I fit on my disc?

A question we are often asked:  Just how much data can I put on my disc? 

CD – A standard CD has a capacity of 700mb of data or 80minutes of audio.

DVD – A standard DVD has a capacity of 4.7GB of data or 120 minutes of video. If your content is greater than this you may need to consider a higher capacity dual layer DVD, DVD-DL or a Blu-ray disc.

DVD+DL – 8.5GB of data

Blu-Ray – A standard Blu-ray disc (BD) has a capacity of 25GB of data or 120 minutes of HD video. Again if your content is greater than this you have the option of a higher capacity format such as the 50GB dual layer Blu-ray disc (BD DL).

If you prefer multiple disc sets, or need a hand remastering your content for different formats, then call Handisc’s Team on 01264 335118 or email

Sep 06

Going for Gold!

Our athletes aren’t the only people wanting gold!  To meet all your disc archival needs, Falcon Media has the optimum solution, their 24K Gold Layer Century CDR and DVDR.

Archival Gold DVD-R

Archival Gold DVD-R from Falcon Professional Media


Regular, archived back up’s are part and parcel of many businesses and safe guarding your stored data lifespan is paramount.  Falcon Media Gold Century offers the most reliable long-term solution to preservation.  Gold Century media is a high specification grade media with a 300+ year lifespan on CDR and 100+ years on DVDR.  The attractiveness of your disc doesn’t have to be reduced either as both CDR and DVDR have a full width print surface and the added option of the Ultra Hard Scratch Proof Coating.

For further information, download Falcon Media’s Century brochure , or contact our team for samples.

Sep 04

Fast Turnaround USB Keys – 24hr USB Key Production from Handisc

The inevitable always happens….a last minute event arranged, an exhibition at the end of the week or even a company conference in 2 days.  Data needs to be collated and presented, which on paper would require a small forest!  The alternative?  Handisc’s 24 hour express USB production.

Fast Turnaround USB Keys

Fast Turnaround USB Keys

In as little as 24 hours we can have printed USB Keys delivered to you.  With your artwork ready to go, we will provide you with a pdf. proof to approve, 8 styles of USB Keys to pick from and 5 different packaging options if you need the wow factor.

We can also squeeze in data preloading (size dependant and the format in which it is held), making express USB production a viable option.  Being UK based, we specialise in offering a fast, effective and efficient production and we do not add a premium to our services, just because you have demanding deadlines.

For further information regarding our 24 hour USB Key production, email our team or call 01264 335118

Handisc Branded USB Key Page –

Aug 22

Discs on Demand – Tesco ensure they always have stock

Tesco, like us here at Handisc, still firmly believe that there is a place in our hearts for the humble disc.  In two of their stores (Maldon and Dudley), Tesco’s are trialling “Discs on Demand” kiosks.  The machine allows the user to select and burn albums whilst they wait.  Within minutes a freshly burnt disc, along with an actual printed sleeve will be dropped at the users feet!  With over tens of thousands of albums to pick from, starting from less than £3.00, what’s is there not to like?

The kiosks will also be a portal for freshly burnt DVDs of movies and TV programs as well as computer software packages.

With the gradual decline in disc demands, could Tesco help rebuild the disc empire?  With production being instantaneous and forever “in stock” supermarket shoppers may be the key to the rise of the disc.

Tesco Discs on Demand

Jul 30

Are you confident you’ve erased your hard drive?

The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)  recent investigation into second hand hard drives suggests that 1 in 10 of them still contain their original owners personal information.  Out of the 200 hard drives they collated from online auction sites and computer fairs, 11% contained personal information, with at least 2 of the drives containing enough information to allow someone to steal their identity!

As an individual we know the implications of our personal data being in the wrong hands, but what about the implications of company held data?  The fall out of employee data being misused, would be incredibly costly and in times when simply erasing the data via your computer may not always be enough, more permanent methods of erasing need to be considered.  Which is why here at Handisc we offer a complete destruction service.  From the very simple process of erasing and reformatting, to the complete destruction of your hard drive into mm size particles.  You can come on site to our secure premises and destroy your own hard drives for complete peace of mind, or we can carry out the service for you.

For full details of our destruction/erasing services why not read our previous blog: Data Destruction on the various options.  Alternatively take a look on our website  at the equipment used and available for data destruction

hard drive crusher

hard drive crusher

Contact Handisc on 01264 335118 or


Jul 24

Need help with both Physical & Digital Content Creation, Conversion & Distribution?

We are confident our customers know about our disc duplication, printing and replication services but we are not sure that everyone knows about all of the other things we can do with content and the way it is delivered. Both physical and digital content. Here is a list of our content services to hopefully help you find what you’re looking for.

Digital Content Services

Digital Content Services

Content Creation Services

Video Production, Editing, Subtitles and Audio Effects

  • Our experienced video production team offer a professional service at very competitive pricing. From cutting out scenes or amending titles. Full scripted, shot and edit no production is too small.
  • We shot in HD and can also enhance your content with 3D animation, music or computer graphics.
  • Completed work can be supplied in any number of current formats.

DVD & Blu-Ray Authoring and Media encoding

  • We have helped our customers with a range of needs from adding a loop to a video being used for a trade show to putting whole series of BBC footage on to disc for them with interactive menus.
  • We even have cost effective solutions for Blu-Ray authoring.

File Conversions

  • We can work with virtually any media file, analogue or digital and convert it into an up to date file for delivery in an alternative format. Conversions of VHS to DVD can be from as little as £17.


  • We can create visually dynamic , flash based presentations from scratch or work to modify existing PowerPoint files.

Content Delivery

  • We can supply, duplicate and customise all current forms of memory cards for a wide range of  commercial, industrial or rugged applications. We have extensive knowledge of the full range of SD cards and work with one of the UK’s few recognised industry experts in this growing field.

USB Key Branding & Production

  • We have a wide range of styles which we can brand for you, a limited range which we can have available within 48 hours. We are also happy to work with supplied products, if content is not available until last minute or a mistake has been made on the original content. We are very flexible to our customer’s needs and recognise that some projects needing working on outside usual business hours. We also have the facilities to add file locks and partitions onto pre- printed sticks in our Andover based offices and have one of the few password protect USB sticks that can be branded.

Hard drives & SSD

  • Handisc have the facilities to brand, duplicate and fulfil and size of hard drive or Solid State drive

Smart Cards

  • We have the ability to provide contact and contactless based technology solutions.

If you would like to arrange a meeting in person, via conference call or just have an informal chat about any project or problem you have, that we might be able to offer a solution or more budget friendly price tag for then please do get in touch. Call us on 01264 335118 or email

Jul 23

Epson Discproducer PP-100/PP-50 News – MAC Software Now Available!

With everyone Apple mad, it was only a matter of time before the super Epson range of Discproducer’s (PP-50, PP-100, PP-AP) became Mac compatible.  So now all you Mac users can breathe a sigh of relief, as Epson’s disc production is now at your fingertips!

Epson Discproducer PP-100 & PP-50 MAC Support

Epson’s new Mac OS X Discproducer software, Total Disc maker Version 1.0 is readily available through us here at Handisc and our in house Tech Team will happily guide you through the download and installation.

The Mac software will enable users to have all the same features that Windows users have and at no extra charge. What’s there not to like?!

The Total Disc software (v1.0) supports all three of Epson’s Discproducers (PP-50, PP-100 and PP-AP) and is compatible with Mac OS X 10.6.8 “Snow Leopard” and Mac OS X v10.7.3 “Lion”. Blu-Ray Support is not yet included.

For any further specifications, please look at our website page or contact us on 01264 335118 or mail

Interested in a new Epson DiscProducer?  All new CD & DVD machines purchased after July 2012 will come with both Windows and Mac software as standard.

Jul 17

Microboards Summer Savings!

Even though our summer is proving to be far from bright, that does not mean that our duplicator and printer offers have to be dull and grey too.  This week sees the start of our super savings on Microboards Disc Printers and Publishers, so there’s no better time to start making your presentations dazzle!

With Microboards Automated Inkjet Disc Printers, the G3A, the Print Factory 3 (PF3) and the Print Factory PRO (PF-PRO), all offering unassisted disc printing, catering from 50 disc capacity upwards, inkjet printing is not only efficient, but now lighter on your pocket too.  With the G3A starting at £845.00 and various media and consumable bundles available, why not contact our Team for further information and print samples.

Microboards G3

Looking for a duplicator too?  Included in the summer savings are the Microboards MX1 and MX2.  With 1 or 2 drive options, 100 disc capacity, 4 individual colour cartridges and 1st year Back to Base warranty included, the MX Series could be just what your business is looking for.

Microboards MX Publisher

Microboards MX Publisher

Why not have a wonder around our website to see specification sheets and the full Microboards range.  Alternatively, our Tech Team are on hand to advise, answer questions and match you with the right piece of equipment.

Contact 01264 335118 or email

Thank you

Handisc Team

Jul 12


Gamification is the process of using game thinking and game mechanics to engage audiences and solve problems and as big game players here at Handisc, this got us thinking.  We create games, whether they are app based, Internet based or purely for presentations for our customers, but never showcased our talents for our own purposes.

So whilst the guys in the studio are busy creating us our very own game, we thought it interesting to look into how games can improve the work environment.  In a recent BBC article, there were various examples of how game play in the office has increased productivity, for example Target have made till transactions speedier by letting their staff compete against each other, whereas Siemens use game play more tactically, by teaching their staff how to run a factory with the use of virtual “Pete the Plant Manager.”  Many a sales office still displays the Sales Leader board, a very simple example of competitive game play, but is the glory of being in the number one spot enough, or in this day and age does there need to a prize or a financial reward?

It’s thought that the up and coming generation not only expect, but want work to be enjoyable, possibly suggesting that future meetings, opportunities may arise through the likes of Xbox Live?  Maybe see you there!

Setting the ifs, whats and the whys aside, the pending Olympics have got us all here at Handisc feeling competitive, so keep an eye out for Handisc Hurdles!

Handisc Hurdler

Interested in our game and content development?  Drop the studio guys an email at

Jul 10

Blu-Ray Replication – Making Blu-ray a viable option

Blu-ray replication can be scary prospect.  Although following the well trodden path of CD and DVD replication, Blu-ray replication has a few extra steps that unfortunately add a few extra £’s to the procedure.  All replicated Blu-ray discs MUST include AACS copy protection, which will add a few 00’s to your production cost, alongside the specific hard coating that a Blu-ray disc requires.

Handisc however, alongside Microtech can open your company up to the world of Blu-ray duplication.  For the average production, a Microtech Blu-ray duplicator can help you avoid the cost of replication.  Unlike replication, duplication does not require a glass master as the data is burnt directly to an already manufactured Blu-ray disc, further reducing your costs.  If your data storage is greater than 25GB, do not fear as dual layer Blu-ray is on hand to hold an impressive 50GB worth of data.

Microtech’s range of Blu-ray duplicators are 24 hour production systems, so on runs less than 1,000 units you can expect a far more economical method of production than replication.  Falcon Media’s range of Blu-ray discs comes with both a thermal and inkjet printable surface, so your discs will look as equally as impressive.

Microtech Xpress XL Teac P55C


Not sure you want to make the jump into purchasing your own Blu-ray duplicator?  Here at Handisc we can do the entire process for you.  Call our Team on 01264 335118 or mail


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