Gamification is the process of using game thinking and game mechanics to engage audiences and solve problems and as big game players here at Handisc, this got us thinking. We create games, whether they are app based, Internet based or purely for presentations for our customers, but never showcased our talents for our own purposes.
So whilst the guys in the studio are busy creating us our very own game, we thought it interesting to look into how games can improve the work environment. In a recent BBC article, there were various examples of how game play in the office has increased productivity, for example Target have made till transactions speedier by letting their staff compete against each other, whereas Siemens use game play more tactically, by teaching their staff how to run a factory with the use of virtual “Pete the Plant Manager.” Many a sales office still displays the Sales Leader board, a very simple example of competitive game play, but is the glory of being in the number one spot enough, or in this day and age does there need to a prize or a financial reward?
It’s thought that the up and coming generation not only expect, but want work to be enjoyable, possibly suggesting that future meetings, opportunities may arise through the likes of Xbox Live? Maybe see you there!
Setting the ifs, whats and the whys aside, the pending Olympics have got us all here at Handisc feeling competitive, so keep an eye out for Handisc Hurdles!

Handisc Hurdler
Interested in our game and content development? Drop the studio guys an email at