

Apr 13

How do I Copy Protect my CDs, DVDs and USB Keys?

Putting a exact value on unauthorised copying of data is difficult, do you just equate for loss of sales or the money you thought you had saved by not including copy protection in the first place?  Or worse….do you consider the cost of essentially losing the data?  Through third party research, it has been shown that protected DVDs can expect an increase in sales revenue of between 7% and 20%, in comparison to unprotected DVDs, so can you really afford not to?

At Handisc we take protecting your data seriously, whether it be video content or simple facts and figures on a CD.  We have protection options for both duplicated (CD-R or DVD-R) and replicated (CD-ROM or DVD-ROM) discs.  When tested (externally) our copy protection has been shown to safeguard your discs against ripping software, including Magic DVD Copier, Nero OEM Suite, CloneDVD, Easy DVD Copier, Smart Ripper, MAC the Ripper and Media Fork

Want to take protection into your own hands?  Then look at our range of CopyWriter CD/DVD Towers.  Using CopyLock software on the Tower Duplicators and a link to a PC, you as the user are able to copy protect the master disc and then make an unlimited amount of protected copies, making this a very efficient, low cost protection method.

Blu-Ray Tower Copier

Copy Protect your DVD Video Discs

With many different levels of protection available, ranging from simple password protection all the way through to data destruction (such as data available for only a set amount of time), at Handisc we have a solution to safeguard your disc content and also keep your purse protected too!  Contact our Team on 01264 335118 or email info@handisc.co.uk